Tuesday, September 23, 2014


    In today's social media dictated society there are so many new things and innovative ways of thinking that we are introduced to almost everyday.  A few months ago as I was writing in my journal I began to just write the thoughts that would come to my mind, as I began to transfer my mind's words onto paper I began to daydream.  I had no clue what I was writing until I stopped and read it.  What I came up was, in my mind a moment that would change the course of the way I went about my days from that point forward. 
     So what does ©#D.O.P.E stand for?  DREAM ON PURPOSE EVERYDAY!  Normally when we speak on the topic of dreams we talk about our desires/wants.  Why is it that one person may accomplish those dreams and another may not?  I think the answer is quite simple.  It all comes down to a person's attitude toward what they really want out of life.  Let's take a few definitions of the word DREAM.
DREAM(n): A succession of images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
(v): to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
In this case when I speak about dreams I am speaking on ones desires or wants.  Some may want health or a strong relationship, while another person may see themselves driving a brand new Ferrari 458 or Maserati living in a dream home on some island. (Materialistic dreams) The great thing about our dreams is that we OWN them, its yours and you can dream of whatever you want.  When our goals are placed in front of us and we focus with 100% faith they will sure come. 
As kids one thing that we did was DREAM!  WE dreamed about what we wanted to be, places we want to go and things we could do.  As life happens and we grow older those dreams begin to dissipate and we forget about those times as a kid when we were unstoppable in our thinking.  Life tends to do a good job of getting us off focus and living without purpose.  We get comfortable and stop living and start to merely exist with the day to day activities.  Everyday we get a clean slate to start over and live with purpose again.  Think back to when you were happiest in your life or when you were a child and would dream BIG dreams.  Make a commitment today to GO after your dreams. 

A few keys that will help you get back on track to Dreaming on Purpose Everyday!
  1. Write your GOALS down Everyday
  2. Take time to work on yourself, keep your mind sharp and ALWAYS be learning.
  3. Model someone who is going after their dreams and ask them to hold you accountable to yours.
  4. Keep a daily timeline and stick to it. Don't waste time.
  5. Take time to be to yourself.

© C.LEWIS 2014
DREAM ON PURPOSE EVERYDAY  photo blogcjllogo_zps8a56f7c1.png

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