Friday, September 26, 2014

How important are RELATIONSHIPS to SUCCESS?

Positive relationships help us become more supported, supportive, connected and fulfilled!  I recently came across this quote and it really hit home as it pertains to relationships in life:

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. -Theodore Roosevelt

One of the most important things we need in becoming the best person we can be are the relationships that we develop.  No one has ever created a successful life on their own, we all need people to help us along the way.  The right relationship allows 2 people from totally different backgrounds to come together and build each other up through edification.  We can grow and learn from others when a relationship is built on accountability, trust and a genuine interest in wanting each other to make it to the become better.  Honesty, Trust and accountability are 3 staples that have to be established from the beginning of a relationship for it to remain strong.  These things definitely take time to develop and accountability is necessary for GROWTH!  It is important to develop and cultivate relationships with those who will make you stretch and push you to your full abilities.  Associations either help us grow or keep us stagnant so its important to connect with someone you look up to and let them mentor you.

I'm sure most of us have experienced relationships where we were lied to, lost trust in someone and that relationship is no longer in tact.  On the flip side there are those relationships that have stood the test of time and no matter what happens you find a way to put those differences aside and make it work.  When you have an understanding with someone they can offer you the TRUTH and give you feedback even it may ruffle your feathers and you take that positive criticism and grow.  Honesty is never easy but it is needed to keep us accountable.

There are 7 things we need for good healthy relationship:
  1. Accepting and celebrating differences - Help in growth
  2. Listen effectively - In order to become a good friend/partner we must be able to listen and see the other person's point of view
  3. Give people your time - Time allows you to really get to know a person.  It's important to know how they will react in certain situations. No one wants a weak person in tough times.
  4. Develop communication skills - There is a right way and a wrong way to say what needs to be said.  Be tactful.
  5. Learn to give and take criticism - We have to be able to tell people what they need to hear.  NO SUGAR COATING.  This keeps us accountable.
  6. Develop empathy - Be able to empathize with others when they need it.
  7. Trust more - This is earned but we have to give people a chance to get it right!

Take inventory of your relationships and put them to the test against this list.  Some areas may be stronger than others and some may definitely need some work.  Let us strengthen our relationships and spend the time to cultivate them so that they can be the strongest they can be.  We need to hold our friends accountable and allow no short cuts, this will ultimately lead to growth.

© C.LEWIS 2014
DREAM ON PURPOSE EVERYDAY  photo blogcjllogo_zps8a56f7c1.png

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Wise words from a wise man! Very helpful info. Thank for sharing with me brother
