Monday, November 3, 2014

You Can’t FLY with the Eagles THINKING like a Turkey

*****This post was originally published on BEALEADER and was republished with permission.


What comes to mind when you think of leadership?  Is there a person that sticks out in your mind?  A group?  Certain attributes?  The animal kingdom can teach us a lot about life.  Most animals instinctively display qualities that people possess but have to develop and cultivate over time.  Life’s circumstances will cause us to forget that we already have these qualities but don’t live up to who we can really be.  So, when I think of leadership, I like to examine the bald eagle.  Eagles are the epitome of leadership!  Most people can identify with the leadership qualities of these majestic birds, so most if not all of you will identify with this post.

We are ALL born Leaders, it just takes you to find your PASSION to bring it out!” –C.L.

The bald eagle exemplifies the qualities of leadership more than any other animal.  There are other animals that are synonymous with leadership such as the lion, the eagle’s leadership qualities fit well together.  Looking at the life of an eagle there were seven qualities that stood out and characterized leadership.


 Eagles are fearless.

If you’ve ever seen an eagle attack its prey they are fearless.  No matter how much bigger the prey is the eagle will attack.  Leaders often possess a fearless attitude.  Fear is a weak mindset and as leaders we must channel that energy to something more positive.  When you have a clear and concise direction fear doesn’t exist.  Most people fear failure but understanding that failure is part of the process, we learn to accept it as something to make us better and not something that will deter us from moving forward.

 Eagles are tenacious.

When a storm comes most animals find shelter, but eagles are known to take advantage of the wind and use it to fly above the storm.   Leaders are tenacious and know how to hold their position and are not easily swayed away from a decision that they believe in.  Just as the eagle knows that it can use a storm to fly above and get through it we must learn to use the storms of life to go to another level.  Persistence is what makes a leader effective.

Eagle are high flyers.

Eagles are the highest flying birds of any other bird and for this reason they fly alone.  They are known to fly at heights of 10,000-15,000 feet and can fly above storms.  Leaders learn to operate alone because there will be times when no one will understand your goals.  Granted, we all need help getting to where we ultimately want to be, but in times when you feel alone remember that leaders are capable of working alone.  Leaders adjust to situations to make the best of it so that they aren’t slowed down in their process by waiting for others.

Eagles have keen vision

Eagles have great visual range, they can see over extreme distance with a high level of clarity.  Research has shown that they can spot prey from up to 3 square miles away.  So what can we learn about and eagle’s vision and focus?  It’s important as leaders to use our vision to take people to places that they may not see themselves going.  Big vision produces big results and leaders have the ability to see things in ways that others can’t. 

Eagles possess Vitality

Eagles are known to live up to 70 years, but the process by which this happens is mind blowing.  At age 35 eagles fly away to their nest in the mountains and over the next 5 months undergo a process of revitalization.  They break and grow another beak, pull out their own talons and pluck their feathers.  Once this process is complete they take what is known as the first flight of rebirth.  This process adds another 30-35 years to their life.  As leaders there are times when we must take a moment to revitalize ourselves to start a new journey.  It’s important to take a moment to create that “new” life and just start fresh and deal with life’s stresses from a different angle.

Eagles nurture their young

Eagles learn to fly when they’re young by being placed on the mother’s back and while in mid-flight she swoops out from under the baby and if the eagle fails to take flight the mother takes it back up to the nest, tears the nest apart and gives the baby a nudge.  Talk about a point of no return!  Leaders have to learn how let go of the safety net that may be the very reason they can’t progress. When we get comfortable it’s easy to lean on what we feel is safe and continue to live in mediocrity.  The most successful leaders make a decision and stick to it giving yourself no other choice, this is where progression takes place.

Eagle test before trusting

Female eagles subject males to vigorous testing before mating.  A test before trusting someone will allow you to know how that person will react in adverse situations.  Leaders should know who they can trust in tough times whether friends, family or business partners, it’s important to know who will be there for you when you need them.  Trust is one thing that is earned not given.  Take inventory of your leadership circle and recognize who you can count on.  Leaders are faced with times when things won’t always go right, in these times you need someone to have your best interest at hand.

Take a look at someone you feel is a great leader and match their qualities up to those discussed above, it’s almost certain that they will possess some if not all of these traits.  Take a moment to self-examine yourself and see where improvement is needed and be accountable to someone to make changes. Looking at these instinctive qualities of the eagle we can gauge which areas we need to cultivate in our own lives and become the leaders that all of us have lying dormant within us.

© C.LEWIS 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

NOW Available! #D.O.P.E wristbands!

WEAR the Message!!  We are delighted to announce the arrival of our #D.O.P.E wristbands.  We are taking this message global.  Now you can wear your #D.O.P.E bands to represent you favorite school, fraternity/sorority or great for everyday wear.  Dreaming is INEVITABLE, so since we all dream we may as well DREAM ON PURPOSE EVERYDAY!


© C.LEWIS 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


     What do you see when you examine a successful person?  Money?  Cars?  Nice home?  Clothes?  Have you ever stopped to think about what that person did to get to that point in their life?  Are they more special or skilled than you?  Do they tie their shoes differently?  These are questions that I ponder when I look at someone who has been successful in the same field.  I am guilty of thinking that some people are just lucky and they get all the breaks, surely someone gave them a hand out, right?  But as I studied successful people I learned that they all possess the same quality……..THEY HAVE MASTERED THE BASICS! 

     The basic fundamentals in any field are the foundations of success.  Once we learn and master the basics in that field we become more confident.  Confidence breeds success!  The fastest, most efficient way to build confidence is to become comfortable with what you are doing.  We have to learn how to master the mundane, which is paramount to accomplishing goals. 

Let’s examine 4 key basic elements to build success.




4.       DON’T QUIT



One of the most important fundamentals we can learn is to fall in love with is GOAL SETTING!  This activity gives us a roadmap to success.  It’s been said, if you don’t know where you’re going any road will get you there.  There couldn’t be more truth to that statement.  Once a decision is made to go after something we have to put a plan of action in place to execute.  For example, there are several ways to drive from North Carolina to New York City, however the fastest way to get there by car would be Interstate 95N.  So in this case, instead of taking a longer more scenic route through the mountains of West Virginia and Pennsylvania a more direct approach is most efficient.  This same thing holds true for our goals.  We must determine to most efficient way to reach them, map the plan out and stick to it.



Successful people value their time and know it’s crucial to success.  They create a schedule and follow it to ensure their time is spent efficiently.  Most of their day is spent doing activities that move them closer to accomplishing their goals.  A schedule keeps you focused on certain task that will move you towards success.  Time is one thing we can’t back so it’s important spend it wisely.  It’s easy to get distracted by activities that slow down progress like; checking emails, lunch with people who aren’t clients or potential clients, social media etc.  Minimize distractions and focus on keeping a time schedule to get the most out of your day.



Focused efforts help keep us efficient.  When our goals are set and the “how to” is in place, its necessary that we stay in line with them.  It’s important to realize that we can’t accomplish them alone, so we have to surround ourselves with others that can help us get there and most importantly stay in our lane.  We can’t try to do someone else’s job so we have to use our gifts and abilities to compliment the other person.  In track and field runners get disqualified for running into another lane, in business if you don’t stay in your lane you will hinder your success.   

“People have been known to achieve more as a result of working with others than against them.” - Dr Allan Fromme



I read a Facebook post that the two secrets to success were; 1. GET STARTED 2. DON’T QUIT.  We’ve all heard to never give up, and showing up is half the battle.  I’m a believer that if you know what you want, go after it with 100% FOCUS and never give up it will happen.  The key is to minimize distractions, and understand that life will happen, but stay the course.  Many of us give up too early on our dreams and never see them finished.  Believe in your dreams and have a “do whatever it takes” attitude and they will happen.  Always remember you can’t cheat success because it’s always watching you!


© C.LEWIS 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


(v) train oneself to do something in a controlled and habitual way.

We are known creatures of habit, whether good or bad we are all disciplined in some area of our lives.  It could be eating right or wrong. Waking up early or late.  Exercising or not.  All of these are disciplines that we have become accustomed to over time.   Disciplined to do what help or what hurts.

Discipline is the bridge between GOALS and ACCOMPLISHMENTS.
- Jim Rohn
What is your mind disciplined to do?  How have you contributed to these things? What is one thing that you do that you know you must stop in order to accomplish the goals for your life?

As you read through this post I want you to keep those questions in the back of your mind.  We all have things in our lives that we can live without.  When we sit back and think about them they could be the very thing that keeps us from accomplishing our goals.  Being disciplined is what makes the difference between good and GREAT, being a failure or success, winning and losing, the space between #1 and #2.  So what is your discipline pattern like?  Are you one to finish the job or give up when it gets tough and settle for mediocrity?  The goal is to train your mind to stick to a set of activities that will allow the things you want to be accomplished. This is a concept I learned some time ago in a book called "The SLIGHT EDGE" by Jeff Olson.  Doing the simple things over and over again even when you don't want to do them until you reach your goal. 

One of the best examples when it comes to discipline is sports; lets take basketball for example.  Player A arrives at the gym early and stays late, shoots 500+ free throws, and practices the fundamentals for hours because he knows that come game time it will pay off.  Player B comes to practice during scheduled times and does just enough to stay on the team.  Player B shoots a few free throws, practices plays with the team and leaves practice when over.  Player A is the #1 player on the team while player B comes off the bench.  It takes self-control and a conscious effort to be disciplined, but the reward is much greater than the feeling of failure. 

TIME magazine published an article recently that proved that self-disciplined people are happier.  The research, which was published in The Journal of Personality, showed that self-control isn't just about deprivation, but more about managing conflicting goals. (Google: "Self-Disciplined people are happier and not as deprived as you think" by Maia Szalavitz)

I made it a goal to become more disciplined and focused in certain areas of my life.  Most of these areas are overlooked or often taken for granted because it's something we do everyday.  EAT!  Seven months ago I decided to give up chicken.  What in the world was I thinking, right?  I mean we all have to eat.  When I decided to take on this task I thought of something that I do everyday without second thought and it was eat chicken.  So I decided to give it up to discipline myself in one area that would help discipline me in other areas as well.  Since giving up beef and pork, I would eat chicken every day for 9 years straight because it was convenient and tastes good.  I challenged myself to give it up and find a healthy substitute.  Doing something for 9 years and all of a sudden giving it up is hard to do and takes a level of commitment that you must be ready for mentally.  I devised a plan of what I would do anytime I wanted chicken (ALWAYS HAVE A PLAN!), did my research on healthy substitutions (KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GETTING INTO, CALCULATED STEPS), and stick to the plan no matter what (DISCIPLINE).  That was eight months ago and I haven't had any chicken since.  I feel better, I am losing weight, and my overall health is great!  I am in no way saying you have to give up chicken but you have to find something that you THINK you can't go without, discipline yourself, and that focus will begin to show up in other areas of your life.  NOW WHY WOULD I DO SUCH A THING?  I knew that GIVING UP something that I LOVED to eat would obviously take effort and could only help me in other areas of my life.

So my challenge to you is to find something that you think you cant go without and make a DECISION to give it up or scale back and this will help in maintain discipline in other areas of your life.  Self-discipline is never easy and being able to consciously put your mind to a task and stick to it is half the battle.  We must first DECIDE that we are going to do it!  Create a solid PLAN to help us stay the course.  EXECUTE the plan with 100% focus.  The great thing about this is that if you fall short you can always refocus and start again but DONT GIVE UP!

For booking contact: 
BLUE Vantage Marketing, LLC

©C.LEWIS 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014



ACTION: Way of manner of moving or energetic activity.


LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!! This phrase is well known in the film industry; and although simple, there is so much that goes into these words. Let's examine!!  Before any actor/actress can take center stage they must first know their part. They can't just walk on set and start acting.  It takes long nights of studying lines and countless hours of preparation to "become" the part they are portraying. The chemistry with their counterparts also takes time to be developed and mastered in order for the movie to come off as genuine. So the bottom line is, before the director screams action, the RIGHT person must be in place to carry out the part. Once the director screams ACTION.....movement takes place. ACTION implies MOVEMENT!!
Let’s draw the parallel to our lives! In order to take action towards our GOALS, we must get moving; but not just any movement. We must move in the RIGHT DIRECTION. The only way for this to happen is to have a clear and concise plan as to where you are going. Once you have that plan, then you can take MASSIVE ACTION to make it happen. One of the most important things we can do when going after what we want is to do it with a sense of urgency!  Having that sense of urgency and moving with massive action erases all doubt, doubt in ourselves, doubt in others or even doubt in the process. DOUBT KILLS!!  When you take steps every day to move towards your goals with massive action, there is no time for doubt to creep in. Doubt creates stagnation; and usually, anything that is not moving, is dead. From the time we are conceived we are moving; so, the basis of life is for us to move forward. Movement equals growth!   When we take action towards the things we want most in life we are stimulating that growth. If you create goals big enough, the only way to achieve them is to grow in the person that will match them.

One of the main reasons people don't go after what they want is FEAR. Fear of rejection from family and friends, fear of failure, or simply fear of not knowing how to do something keeps us from taking massive action!  Instead of taking action, it’s so much easier to do nothing at all and remain comfortable. For many of us, it would seem so much easier to do nothing at all and remain comfortable instead of taking massive action. But when it comes to putting action to your goals we must understand that some action is better than none at all; the latter keeps us in the same situation. Take the necessary steps to create momentum and your goals will become a reality sooner than later!  Here's a small list of steps to help you jumpstart action towards your goals:

1. Write GOALS daily
2. Create a timeline to get them done
3. Minimize distractions that you can control

For booking contact:
BLUE Vantage Marketing, LLC

© C.LEWIS 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

How important are RELATIONSHIPS to SUCCESS?

Positive relationships help us become more supported, supportive, connected and fulfilled!  I recently came across this quote and it really hit home as it pertains to relationships in life:

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. -Theodore Roosevelt

One of the most important things we need in becoming the best person we can be are the relationships that we develop.  No one has ever created a successful life on their own, we all need people to help us along the way.  The right relationship allows 2 people from totally different backgrounds to come together and build each other up through edification.  We can grow and learn from others when a relationship is built on accountability, trust and a genuine interest in wanting each other to make it to the become better.  Honesty, Trust and accountability are 3 staples that have to be established from the beginning of a relationship for it to remain strong.  These things definitely take time to develop and accountability is necessary for GROWTH!  It is important to develop and cultivate relationships with those who will make you stretch and push you to your full abilities.  Associations either help us grow or keep us stagnant so its important to connect with someone you look up to and let them mentor you.

I'm sure most of us have experienced relationships where we were lied to, lost trust in someone and that relationship is no longer in tact.  On the flip side there are those relationships that have stood the test of time and no matter what happens you find a way to put those differences aside and make it work.  When you have an understanding with someone they can offer you the TRUTH and give you feedback even it may ruffle your feathers and you take that positive criticism and grow.  Honesty is never easy but it is needed to keep us accountable.

There are 7 things we need for good healthy relationship:
  1. Accepting and celebrating differences - Help in growth
  2. Listen effectively - In order to become a good friend/partner we must be able to listen and see the other person's point of view
  3. Give people your time - Time allows you to really get to know a person.  It's important to know how they will react in certain situations. No one wants a weak person in tough times.
  4. Develop communication skills - There is a right way and a wrong way to say what needs to be said.  Be tactful.
  5. Learn to give and take criticism - We have to be able to tell people what they need to hear.  NO SUGAR COATING.  This keeps us accountable.
  6. Develop empathy - Be able to empathize with others when they need it.
  7. Trust more - This is earned but we have to give people a chance to get it right!

Take inventory of your relationships and put them to the test against this list.  Some areas may be stronger than others and some may definitely need some work.  Let us strengthen our relationships and spend the time to cultivate them so that they can be the strongest they can be.  We need to hold our friends accountable and allow no short cuts, this will ultimately lead to growth.

© C.LEWIS 2014
DREAM ON PURPOSE EVERYDAY  photo blogcjllogo_zps8a56f7c1.png

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


    In today's social media dictated society there are so many new things and innovative ways of thinking that we are introduced to almost everyday.  A few months ago as I was writing in my journal I began to just write the thoughts that would come to my mind, as I began to transfer my mind's words onto paper I began to daydream.  I had no clue what I was writing until I stopped and read it.  What I came up was, in my mind a moment that would change the course of the way I went about my days from that point forward. 
     So what does ©#D.O.P.E stand for?  DREAM ON PURPOSE EVERYDAY!  Normally when we speak on the topic of dreams we talk about our desires/wants.  Why is it that one person may accomplish those dreams and another may not?  I think the answer is quite simple.  It all comes down to a person's attitude toward what they really want out of life.  Let's take a few definitions of the word DREAM.
DREAM(n): A succession of images, thoughts or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
(v): to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
In this case when I speak about dreams I am speaking on ones desires or wants.  Some may want health or a strong relationship, while another person may see themselves driving a brand new Ferrari 458 or Maserati living in a dream home on some island. (Materialistic dreams) The great thing about our dreams is that we OWN them, its yours and you can dream of whatever you want.  When our goals are placed in front of us and we focus with 100% faith they will sure come. 
As kids one thing that we did was DREAM!  WE dreamed about what we wanted to be, places we want to go and things we could do.  As life happens and we grow older those dreams begin to dissipate and we forget about those times as a kid when we were unstoppable in our thinking.  Life tends to do a good job of getting us off focus and living without purpose.  We get comfortable and stop living and start to merely exist with the day to day activities.  Everyday we get a clean slate to start over and live with purpose again.  Think back to when you were happiest in your life or when you were a child and would dream BIG dreams.  Make a commitment today to GO after your dreams. 

A few keys that will help you get back on track to Dreaming on Purpose Everyday!
  1. Write your GOALS down Everyday
  2. Take time to work on yourself, keep your mind sharp and ALWAYS be learning.
  3. Model someone who is going after their dreams and ask them to hold you accountable to yours.
  4. Keep a daily timeline and stick to it. Don't waste time.
  5. Take time to be to yourself.

© C.LEWIS 2014
DREAM ON PURPOSE EVERYDAY  photo blogcjllogo_zps8a56f7c1.png

Monday, September 22, 2014


COMMIT(v): To carry into ACTION deliberately.

     We ALL have GOALS/DREAMS that we want to accomplish.  When embarking on the journey we normally don't take into consideration the unforeseen obstacles that we will encounter.  Knowing what we want but not being able to predict the future wont allow us to map out the process with extreme precision.  However, we are able to draft a blueprint that will allow us to get to where we want to go in a shorter period of time if we stay the course. 
     As we travel on this journey we must commit to the process and understand that what we want and set our minds to with 100% focus, faith and persistence is waiting on us, but we must GROW into it!  Big dreams require us to become bigger people, leaders as well as followers.  Making a conscious effort to commit even when things aren't going as planned and understanding that its all part of the process allows us to grow into the person that will match our goals and aspirations. 
     The ability to persevere and Commit to the process requires the right attitude, mindset and certain qualities.  These qualities are possessed by each of us but are not exercised enough to be innate.  Just as a body builder exercises muscles to tone and develop them so should we develop these qualities for them to become stronger.

 The 6 qualities that are required include:
  1. Perseverance
  2. Courage
  3. Focus
  4. Faith
  5. Patience
  6. Discipline
This isn't a complete list but these are some of the most important qualities that allow us to commit to accomplishing our goals.  Each quality requires us to strengthen and develop them daily.  The best way to accomplish this is through a conscious effort and carefully paying attention to situations in which we would have to use them.  Strengthening these qualities will help us in all areas of our lives because they go hand in hand.  For example, faith requires perseverance, courage, patience discipline and focus.

Moment of transparency:  I made and decision a few months ago to discipline myself to getting up earlier everyday (even on the weekends) whether I had anything to do or not.  So I would wake at 5:00am and workout, read and write my goals down before I got my day started.  I kept this up for about 1.5-2 months then I started to slack off.  There was almost an immediate change in the way things would happen for me.  My lack of discipline started to carry over to other parts of my life.  It wasn't until this got so out of focus for me that I sat down and recommitted myself to getting back on track that things started to turn around for the better.

© C.LEWIS 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

11 Keys to Next Level Living!!!

A while ago, I was sitting in my "think tank" (a place I visit daily) and my thoughts started to flow so I began to write them down on my white board.  (I keep a whiteboard in my room for random thoughts)  Over the course of about 4 days I came up with 11 "one liners" that started to look like something in a book, so that what its turning into.  I call them "11 Keys to Next Level Living".  As a young entrepreneur I am on an ongoing journey to figuring this thing out.  Going through the daily grind and learning along the way, these keys seem to stick out and I have to remind myself everyday of how important they are to making things happen.  The secret is to develop them so that they become a staple in your daily mode of operation on your journey to your GOALS and DREAMS.

11 Keys to Next Level Living 
1. Commit to the PROCESS
2. DEVELOP and CULTIVATE relationships
6.  Take care of what you have until you get what you WANT
9.  Do ALL things with INTEGRITY
10.  Don't wait until you're DROWNING to BUILD YOUR BOAT
11.  Stick to the BASICS
Each one of these keys will be discussed in detail in the coming post.  Thanks for reading and I look forward to growing with you on this journey to the TOP!!!
© C. Lewis 2014